1. What is a tandem flight? A tandem flight refers to paragliding where the passenger and the instructor are on the same paraglider. The passenger enjoys the flight while the experienced instructor manages the paraglider.

  2. Is it safe? Yes, it's entirely safe. Our instructors have undergone specialized training and hold the necessary licenses. We also use the latest equipment and ensure it is regularly inspected.

  3. What are the requirements for a passenger? Typically, requirements are about a specific weight range (neither too heavy nor too light) and physical health (no medical severe contraindications).

  4. What should I bring with me? Comfortable clothing and closed shoes, sunglasses, and sunscreen are recommended. It can be more relaxed at altitude so that a light jacket might be helpful.

  5. How long does the flight last? A standard tandem flight lasts 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the weather conditions and the chosen flight program.

  6. Can I take photos/videos during the flight? Yes, many of our instructors have cameras to capture your experience. You can also bring your camera, but ensure it's securely fastened.

  7. Are there age restrictions? Children under a certain age, typically 12, usually need parental consent. But there's no upper age limit; the main thing is that you're in good physical condition.

  8. What if I'm afraid of heights? Paragliding feels very different from the fear of heights many people experience when standing in a high place. Nevertheless, tell your instructor about any apprehensions, and they'll help make you comfortable.

  9. Can I take paragliding lessons after the tandem flight? Certainly! After experiencing a tandem flight, many people choose to continue with paragliding training. The "Montenegro" club offers courses for beginners.

  10. How do I book a tandem flight? You can contact us via phone, email, or through our website. We recommend booking in advance, especially during peak season.

We hope this section answers your questions. If you have further queries or doubts, please don't hesitate to reach out. The Paragliding Montenegro Club team is always here to assist you and make your paragliding experience memorable.

If your question remains unanswered after reviewing our FAQ, we encourage you to contact us directly. Please send your inquiry via a messaging platform, ensuring you communicate in English. We are here to assist you promptly and effectively.

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